Magpie Fibers

Wow! I had the change, a few months ago, to drive up to Black Mountain Yarn Shop 
For a huge Yarn Extravaganza. It was heaven! Yarn and samples filling every corner of the rooms, and guests sitting, chatting, and working with fiber left and right. 

A friend of mine was pointing out different shops and indie dyers when I finally said “Okay, so what is the ONNNNNE shop I need to check out while I’m here?” 

Magpie Fibers!” He responded, without hesitation. 

I promptly walked over and started chatting with the gal manning the booth.  She was knitting while chatting, yarn magically appearing out of a cute little side pouch, and seemed to be having a great time. Magpie is based out of Frederick, MD but it turns out their shop travels a lot. They are getting ready to attend the Vogue Knitting Live Trade Show!! 

At the end of our exchange, I purchased a gorgeous greyish purple yarn that I suddenly realized I couldn’t live without. 

The color is “Linger” in a worsted weight, and made for a gorgeous winter hat. I definitely recommend checking out their shop and trying this yarn out! Or any others that suit your fancy 💁🏼‍♀️


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